A Book Writer

Let's say you're working on a book. How can SmartVersion help you?

As the author, you can use SmartVersion to store several versions of the file of your book. Let's assume you work with an editor who reviews and modifies your work. Your editor has a slow connection to the Internet, which complicates matters when you are emailing him files of your book.

The first time you send the book to your editor, you will send a SmartVersion file which contains only one version of the book (an empty patch, which will be exactly the same size as a ZIP file of your book file). The editor does take a lot of time to download the book, but with SmartVersion, this is the only time he will suffer for the duration of the project.

So moving along, your editor makes some changes to the book, and adds a new version of the book with his changes to the SmartVersion file (adds a new version to a patch). As he makes further changes, he adds those to the SmartVersion file as well. When he wants to correspond with you to send you his best copy, he makes a new SmartVersion file which contains just his changes (a minimal patch with a version subset). In this way, your editor obtains a very small SmartVersion file that he has no trouble at all sending back to you, even over his slow Internet connection.

Finally, when you receive the file, you open it with SmartVersion. SmartVersion asks you for the location of file of the first version of this patch (specifying an existing version folder), and then lets you extract your editors latest version with all his changes.


See also: